Prismatic, an anthology, embarks on an odyssey through the expansive landscapes of science fiction, intricately entwined with supernatural horror and interwoven with strands of provocative fantasy. Within its pages, the exploration of love, loss, and self-discovery unfolds through a multifaceted prism, illuminating the complexities of the human experience. Comprising four gripping vignettes, it stands as a testament to the richness of diverse perspectives, compelling readers to reassess their thoughts and beliefs.
Stories include:
• What She Left Behind
• Daylily, Lingering In Your Light
• The Necronauts
• Probability Waves
Infused with a dynamic fusion of humor and horror, interwoven with elements of heart-wrenching empathy, boundless imagination, and profound insight, these emotionally charged narratives resonate deeply within the reader's psyche, enduring far beyond the closing of the final page. Each story is a gateway into explorations of intimacy and identity, offering fresh and thought-provoking perspectives for contemplation and reflection.
Comic Book - 36 pages
Written by Eric Williamson
Art by Austin Ackert, Damon Begay, Jose Guillen & Anna Mocek
Letters by Amal Desai & Eric Williamson